Community is everything - we’re proud to contribute and support a number of schools, charities, events and sports within our community.
Knights Stream School – Vistab sponsorship
Lions Club of Ellesmere – Charity Golf Tournament sponsor
Tai Tapu Golf Club sponsor
Lincoln Rugby Club sponsor
MS & Parkinson's Canterbury Charitable Trust Golf Day
Lincoln Bowling Club sponsor (shared with Ben Turner)
Halswell Wigram Rugby Football Club sponsor
Dunsandel-Irwell Rugby Football Club gold sponsor
Sponsor of cricket scoreboards at Leeston Park and Southbridge Domain
Roydvale Pony Club – silver sponsor
Homelink Road Safety book sponsor - Lincoln, Our Lady of Victories, Prebbleton and Wigram Primary Schools
Sponsor of Prebbleton and Springston Primary Schools School Book
Banks Peninsula Trotting Club race sponsor
Templeton/Broadfields/Weedons Primary School Book sponsor
Cholmondeley Children’s Centre Charity Golf Tournament hole sponsorship
Pigeon Bay Hall celebration sponsorship
Mint Lamb Competition sponsor at the Christchurch A&P Show
Rangi Ruru Rowing racing sponsorship
National Equestrian Centre - sponsor of all weather arena
In partnership with Bayleys Canterbury